Representation of SP TPK KOJA Trade Union on ITF Agenda in Senegal
Saly (Maritimnews) – The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) is a democratic affiliate-led Global federaotion of 670 Trade union in 147 countries representing 18 million working men and women in all transport sectors.
I’m so proud attending ITF Women Transport Workers Conference 2023 at Saly Senegal on 25-27 September 2023. My name Susanti, I came to senegal with 7 women from Indonesia. Susanti (SP TPK KOJA), Pradita Ningrum, Gini Aristi Hardono, Eka Fitri Mulyani from SPKA Jacquline Tuwanakotta from FSPBI, Krisnadewi luh Pasek from KPI , ina from SPDT Enung Yani as a mentor.
I work at TPK KOJA one of existing container terminal , our port service are operation ship , operation field and operation others. Our union is also ITF member.
The conference focus womens problem in transportation sector. Ending systemic exclution, ending violence agains wemen transport workers
Another priorities ensuring tecnological charge is introduced in a way that advance gender equality , bulding women transport workers participation and leadership in transport decision making
From Indonesia SPKA asked about tecnology and toilet problem SPDT talk about flood problem, FSPBI about unfair situation when women employee get menstuation
I asked get a training to make adding insight
Many country has a cultue is an obstacle, make a dificult for women to grown up her ability. But we are here.. we talk and share problem, find a solution , we have a lot of discussion
In a small gruop discussion a member from kenya said she must go to work at 3 AM from home. Even men are afraid to go to work at that hour because there is no security, I said ”I’m so lucky work at TPK KOJA, there is no shift for women employee. And have pick up bus facilities from our office, at least we feel safety feeling”
ITF Women Transportation workers conference 2023 get 12 recommendations that I summarize :
1. The conference made the following recommendations relating to priorities for the next inter congres period
2. The ITF will re-commit to prioristing organising and mobilising women transport workers
3. We should be proud of the progress we made
4. The ITF will continue challenge discrimination
5. We will confront he issues of power and control that are deeply rooted in our societies and the culture of the transport industry
6. Improving gender equality is critical to the sustainable and resilience of the sector
7. We will do this by reinforcing and expanding a work programme for women transport workers
8. Conference supports the global focus on the cross-sectorical global demands
9. Ensuring sound integration is essential to delivering strategies that win for women transport workers
10. Conference recognises the comprehensive integration of gender throught the our public transportation (OPT) priority prgramme
11. There are keys areas of work for the ITF that are integral by delivering the strongest possible outcomes for women transport workers
12. The ITF woman transport workers commitee is mandated to support the ITF Women’s Departemen to develop and implement a work programme to deliver the key priorities
13. The work programme should take account of the following key consideration linked to strategy planning and development
14. The work programme should also incorporate the following opportunities to sthrenghten outcomes globally and localy
15. Progress reports on the implementation of the women transport workers
At the end the conference several women stand up to speak her own progress. About a member now at parliament to fight for women, A member as union leader at her union, a member from india can wearing a hijab without fear
we can fly as high as we want
we are special strong without giving up
So if you are a women, take a breath close your eyes say to yourself
I’m strong,
I ’m a wonder woman
Because we are the strongest woman in a world
Tanjung priok october 12.2023
(Bayu Jagadsea/MN)